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draft of *Venom of Dragons* / 3rd part of SPELLS OF WATER
Rough draft of *Kindle a Fae's Wrath*

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Wizard Enclave

Current Wizard Clans of the Enclave

Border Wars, 591
Saldoran’s Revolt, 497-510
Enclave inception, 382.
  • Brantimor. Clan Pater in 620.  Red with Gold / Fire.  Magister Amiste.  Fae comeis Tithran Oran de Ciele.  Sequence of Clan Leadership: Brantimor < Ignace (Border Wars) < Guyot, who became ArchClans in 566 < Evraud, who became ArchClans in 541 < Franchot (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Cosmée (killed in battle during Saldoran’s Revolt) < Salbourne < year 463 clan split with the clan that becomes duCian < Chamisse, who became ArchClans in 451 < Thibaut, founder.
  • Bronchet. Clan Pater in 616.  Blue with Gold / Water with Fire.  Magister Beatrice.  Fae comeis Laidriv Grieze de Kiern. Sequence of Clan Leadership: Bronchet < Pierrell (Border Wars) < Gismond, who became ArchClans in 576 < Sandoire < Gauthier, who became ArchClans in 536 (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Odette (killed in battle during Saldoran’s Revolt) < year 494 clan split with the clan that becomes Rochein < Hellost < Alaric < Carrock, founder.
  • Charanaise. Clan Mater in 635.  Green with Gold / Earth and Fire.  Magister Piers.  Fae comeis Tolki Regnant de Thettis.  Sequence of Clan Leadership: Charanaise < Gerrault < Teobolt (Border Wars) < Ysador < Lisandre (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Giraud, who became ArchClans in 488 (killed in battle during Saldoran’s Revolt) < de Bohune < Brielle, who became ArchClans in 463 < year 461 clan split with the clan that becomes d’Aulnois < Telfourd < Pherginda, who became ArchClans in 439 and founder.
  • d’Aulnois. Clan Pater in 631.  Council of Five member.  Green with Silver / Earth and Air.  Magister Niels.  Fae comeis Silmar Heim de Veirnt. Sequence of Clan Leadership: d’Aulnois < Bourdonnée (Border Wars) < Phergenie < d’Arcy < Horchadt, became ArchClans in 497 (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Aelwine < Guimalle, became ArchClans in 467 < year 461 clan split with the clan that becomes Charanaise < Telfourd < Pherginda, became ArchClans in 439 and founder.
  • Drakon. Clan Pater in 596.  Council of Five member.  Black with Gold / (unacknowledged Chaos and) Fire.  Magister Brandt.  Fae comeis Huron Talenn de Ysagrael.  Sequence of Clan Leadership: Drakon < Reivel, who became ArchClans in 578 (Border Wars) < Bronn < Tanneal, who became ArchClans in 514 (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Yvgny < Draiven < Brandt, who become ArchClans in 449 < Gerhardt, founder.
  • DuCian. Clan Pater in 627.  Red with Silver / Fire and Air.  Magister Rowan.  Fae comeis Vatar Regnant de Chardyss.  Sequence of Clan Leadership:  DuCian < Valmont < Raigneur (Border Wars) < Alysse < Telfor < Sebastien (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Léonor (killed in battle during Saldoran’s Revolt) < Anselm, who became ArchClans in 474 < year 463 clan split with the clan that becomes Brantimor < Chamisse, who became ArchClans in 451 < Thibaut, founder.
  • Galfrons. Clan Pater in 610.  Council of Five member.  Grey with Silver / Water and Air.  Magisters Eléonore and Talbot.  Fae comeis Dagorr Sigis de Fanault. Sequence of Clan Leadership: Galfrons < Chambaud (Border Wars) < Harailt, who became ArchClans in 555 < Rombreaux (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Ferrant < Melisande < Jacinthe, joined as second generation after Carrock’s death in 426.
  • Letheina. Clan Mater in 613, became ArchClans in 624.  Blue with Silver / Water and Air.  Magister Raigeis.  Fae Ruidri comeis Talenn de Ysagrael.  Sequence of Clan Leadership:  Letheina < Saigeis, who became ArchClans in 596 (Border Wars) < Morted < Sygny (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Maltroit (killed in battle during Saldoran’s Revolt) < Romert < du Cyre, who became ArchClans in 444 < Raigeis, founder.
  • Metallin. Clan Pater in 616. Council of Five member.  Black with Silver / Air.  Magister Tallost.  Fae comeis Aegethr Bourne de Chardyss.  Sequence of Clan Leadership:  Metallin < Sholeina < Garnier (Border Wars) < Nellost < Piers, who became ArchClans in 524 (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Enjoux (killed in battle during Saldoran’s Revolt) < d’Ivrons, who joined the Enclave in the 3rd generation, 461.
  • Perrault. Clan Pater in 606.  Council of Five member.  Brown with Gold / Earth and Fire.  Magisters Cosmée and Oralia and Jules.  Fae comeis Sullin Bourne de Chardyss.  Sequence of Clan Leadership:  Perrault < Griselt (Border Wars) < Aherin (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Horst (killed in battle during Saldoran’s Revolt) < Denis < Journet, joined as second generation after Carrock’s death in 426.
  • Rochein. Clan Mater in 624.  Yellow with Black / Earth and Air.  Magister Seir.  Fae comeis Menos Heim de Veirnt.  Sequence of Clan Leadership:  Rochein < Giraud, who became ArchClans in 613 < Euphemie (Border Wars) < Montaigne < Harcourt < Tredennit, who became ArchClans in 520 (Saldoran’s Revolt) < Costaigne (killed in battle during Saldoran’s Revolt) < year 494 clan split with the clan that becomes Bronchet < Hellost < Alaric < Carrock, founder.
ArchClans Leadership 

Current Archclans is Letheina, 624 < Giraud, 613-624 < Saigeis, 597-624 < Reivel, 578-597 (Border Wars) < Gismond, 577-578 < Guyot, 566-577 < Harailt, 555-566 < Evraud, 541-555 < Gauthier, 536-541 < Piers, 524-536 < Tredennit, 520-524 < Tanneal, 514-520 < Horchadt, led during Saldoran’s Revolt, 497-514 < Giraud, killed during Saldoran’s Revolt, 488-497 < Anselm, 474-488 < Guimalle, 468-474 < Brielle, 463-468 < Chamisse, 451-463 < Brandt, 449-451 < du Cyre, 443-449 < Pherginda (last remaining of the original founders), 439-443 < original five founding members—Carrock, Gerhardt, Pherginda, Raigeis, and Thibaut—ruled by consensus from 382 to 439.

Current Aged Sages (61st Iteration of the Council of Five)
1st Sage = Perrault
2nd = Galfrons
3rd = Drakon
4th = d’Aulnois
and 5th = Metallin.

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