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draft of *Venom of Dragons* / 3rd part of SPELLS OF WATER
Rough draft of *Kindle a Fae's Wrath*

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Faeron Septs

Current Faeron Septs

The Maorketh, sometimes called “the Kiern Alaisa”.
Maorketh Alaisa Grieze de Kiern.  Called the Chief Sister.  Her ward (bonded mate) is Ivers, a wizard of Clan Letheina of the Enclave.  Her palace is at the Harrows in the North.

First Sister, the Fanault Alviss.
Maore Alviss Sigis de Fanault.  Her palace is at Dagomer, on the east by the sea.

First Brother, the Ysagrael Tiraz.
Maorn Tiraz Talenn de Ysagrael.  Scree, the rocky and forested slopes leading down from Petrosse, is the location of his palace.

Second Sister, the Ciele Vyrthandi.
Maore Vyrthandi Oran de Ciele.  Petrosse is the rocky mountains on the Faeron border.

Second Brother, the Chardyss Vidar.
Maorn Vidar Bourne de Chardyss.  The vale between the mountains is called Moutelle.

Third Sister, the Veirnt Skuld.
Maore Skuld Heim de Veirnt has her palace at Eiron, the green valley.  Her ward is Romert of Clan Letheina of the Enclave.

Third Brother, the Thettis Harte.
Maorn Harte Regnant de Thettis, whose palace is located at Bermarck, the forested area.

Spells of Water Available Now!

  Death. That was the omen that the crows and ravens brought to Inkeri, a half-Fae wielder of the elemental power of Water. Deep in the dese...