Progress Meter

rough draft of *Venom of Dragons* / 3rd part of SPELLS OF WATER
Rough draft of *Kindle a Fae's Wrath*

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Available Now! ~ Storm of Spells ~ 2nd in the trilogy Spells of Water


A menacing watcher lurks in the citadel—with twisted sorcery as a guard.

The citadel at Saet’Idros Archais guarded a passage from the Wastes into the Great Vale. After centuries of duty, the Fae, Enclave wizards, and mundane men abandoned the outpost … then people began to vanish.

The half-Fae healer Inkeri, Baron Rhodren, and his men crossed old bones to discover the whereabouts of a missing caravan and two troops.

Yet a presence watches their entry into the citadel, a presence more terrible than twisted sorcerers, their shape-shifting wyre, and a traitorous Dark Fae.

Both Inkeri and Rhodren sense the watcher, but neither anticipates the dire threat it represents.

How many will die before the missing are found?

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Worldwide Distributors ::

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The fantasy Storm of Spells is the second novella in the three-part series Spells of Water, part of the greater Fae Mark’d World. First in the series is Torrent of Evil. The series concludes with Venom of Dragons.

If you enjoy elemental power battling twisted sorcery and cold steel clearing paths through magical monsters, then you will love the adventures in the Fae Mark’d World.

Writer Remi Black has created magical worlds from the time she read a much-battered paperback in the Witch World saga by Andre Norton, the Grand Mistress of Fantasy. She writes determined heroines and strong heroes, both with internal conflicts as dire as the sorcerers and monsters that confront them.

The first trilogy in the Fae Mark’d World is Spells of Air. The young wizard Orielle encounters the proud Dark Fae Lord Skull and Lady Bone as well as a pack of shifted wyre enslaved by a sorceress.

Recently finished is Spells of Earth. Wizardry burnt out and memory gone, Desora re-built her life in an isolated corner of the Northern Reaches. She only elemental Earth. Can she discover new ways to wield Earth before she and Brax become prey for twisted sorcery and magical monsters?

Look for more of Remi Black’s fantasy with magical protagonists struggling against twisted sorcery and monsters magical and mundane.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Clearing the Decks for Summer Writing

 Clearing the Decks for Summer Writing

It’s a brief update for summer!

Since the first of this year and especially in April and May, I’ve fought battles against distractions and disruptions. I haven’t lost the war. I will win through persistence and determination.

Writer Dean Wesley Smith calls summer the “time of great forgetting” for writers. I find summer is productive ~ as long as I avoid those pesky battles with the casualties of time and creativity.

Summer began with the Great ReSet.

I recast the writing schedule and changed things around in my writing nest. Moving furniture helped. Emptying out things I’ve hoarded for no reason cleared my head. Keeping my desk uncluttered certainly keeps me from avoiding my writing time.

Therefore, I have news. Storm of Spells is coming soon. I won’t give a day or a week or a month for this second novella in the Spells of Water trilogy, just that the ideas and words are definitely flooding out.


If you missed the first novella in Spells of Water, here it is.

Torrent of Evil

Death. That was the omen that the crows and ravens brought to Inkeri.

Deep in the desert Idros Ahdreide, men had lost their lives in battle against a strange evil. A half-Fae wielder, Inkeri ventures to investigate.

Rhodren, baron of the Bois Argent, is commanded by his king to investigate the disappearance of a troop and a caravan, lost at the abandoned citadel of the Archais, deep in the Ahdreide. Yet when he and his men reach the border, a flock of crows and ravens attack.

Surviving that attack, Rhodren and his men are then confronted by slavering panthers. Inkeri comes to their aid.

The Ahdreide has predators aplenty, all willing to feast on the wariest of travelers. What enemy marshals these dangers? What evil lurks at the Archais?

Will a wielder of elemental Water and mortal men discover the truth without become prey for the desert predators?

Watch for Storm of Spells, with Inkeri and Rhodren at the Archais, facing the evil that has feasted on a troop and a caravan and has a thirst for more.

The next newsletter will be in October. The best up-to-date information is always available at or .

Until then ~ happy reading!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Beginning 2023

 Hi there!

2 Freebies

2023 started with my participation in 2 Book Funnel promos.

The first, in January, was offering my short story "Godriana's Font". The timeline for that story is after the Spells of Air novella trilogy with Orielle and Grim. The mentor Lilias and her association with the Dark Fae Lord Skull is the focus.

If you missed that Book Funnel and are interested in receiving that short story as a freebie, contact me via email Put "Remi Black Short Story" in the subject line. I'll send you a link from Book Funnel to receive a pdf of the short story.

In February, The Wyrded Forest was the freebie offering from Book Funnel. This is the opening novella in the trilogy Spells of Earth. Desora has lost her memory and her wizardry after the backlash of a spell. She can wield the elemental power of Earth.

Since the element Earth has no windstorm or lightning bolts or fiery spheres, Desora has never considered Earth as a dangerous power. The arrival of shapeshifters and a sorcered monster forces her to stretch her power in ways that she never anticipated.

I had lots of fun with the challenge of the Spells of Earth series. If you missed that Book Funnel, well--we can do the same thing. Email me. Put Wyrded Forest in the subject line. I'll pop back with the link.

1 Admission

In February, I lost a solid two weeks to Adult RSV. [I'm still coughing my head off.] Not Covid, but wow, RSV is no easy cold.

The effect on my writing was tremendous. Not only did I suffer with great fatigue, but my brain found it impossible to concentrate on anything.

So, the admission is that I'm behind. My apologies.

Storm of Spells should be much further along than it is ... but it's not.

I've yanked out everything in the pipeline and will start re-scheduling my writing time. Just catching up with what had to slide is proving difficult.

Hopefully, Storm of Spells will publish this spring--although that's June rather than April.

I will announce its publication HERE and in the newsletter. You can join the newsletter by popping an email. Yep, same I'll manually add you to the subscriber list.

As for now, here's a reminder of the cover featuring Inkeri and the Baron.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Fall Fantasy Newsletter

 Write to to be included in the October 15 email list.

After October 15? Still send us an email at We'll add you to our email list for the next quarterly publication and send you a rough copy of the email (lacking the bells and whistles, such as images and trailer links).

Or simply bookmark this page in your web browser and check in with us occasionally!

Have a great FALL!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Torrent of Evil ~ Available Now!


Death. That was the omen that the crows and ravens brought to Inkeri.

Deep in the desert Idros Ahdreide, men had lost their lives in battle against a strange evil. A half-Fae wielder, Inkeri ventures to investigate.

Rhodren, baron of the Bois Argent, is commanded by his king to investigate the disappearance of a troop and a caravan, lost at the abandoned citadel of the Archais, deep in the Ahdreide. Yet when he and his men reach the border, a flock of crows and ravens attack.

Surviving that attack, Rhodren and his men are then confronted by slavering panthers. Inkeri comes to their aid.

The Ahdreide has predators aplenty, all willing to feast on the wariest of travelers. What enemy marshals these dangers? What evil lurks at the Archais?

Will a wielder of elemental Water and mortal men discover the truth without become prey for the desert predators?

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The fantasy Torrent of Evil is the opening novella in the three-part series Spells of Water, part of the greater Fae Mark’d World.

If you like elemental power battling twisted sorcery and cold steel clearing paths through magical monsters, then you will love the adventures in the Fae Mark’d World.

Writer Remi Black has created magical worlds from the time she read a much-battered paperback in the Witch World saga by Andre Norton, the Grand Mistress of Fantasy. She writes determined heroines and strong heroes, both with internal conflicts as dire as the sorcerers and monsters that confront them.

Remi’s first series set in the Wilding is Spells of Air. The young wizard Orielle encounters the proud Dark Fae Lord Skull and Lady Bone as well as a pack of shifted wyre enslaved by a sorceress.

Recently finished is Spells of Earth. Wizardry burnt out and memory gone, Desora re-built her life in an isolated corner of the Northern Reaches. She only elemental Earth. Can she discover new ways to wield Earth before she and Brax become prey for twisted sorcery and magical monsters?

 An epic fantasy series, Remi’s the Fae Mark’d Wizard features Alstera, banished when she delved too deeply into sorcery-based magic. First in that series is Weave a Wizardry Web, followed by Dream a Deadly Dream and Sing a Graveyard Song. More novels in that series are in the works.

For online distributors like Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, and many more, use this link

For Amazon, click here.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Tangled Spells ~ Epic Fantasy

 Tangled Spells ~ the bundled novels of the Fae Mark'd Wizard series by Remi Black

Twisted Magic. Foul Sorcery. Fantastical Creatures. Corrupted Leaders.

Weave a Wizardry Web

A wyre pack hunts wizards in the Enclave. A forbidden linkage promises more power yet a dangerous enthrallment to a sorcerer. Can Alstera and Camisse survive the sharp blades of their chosen roads?

Dream a Deadly Dream

A lethal sleep-spell targets a fugitive comtesse. Wyre and wraiths pursue her. When a sorcerous plot weaves together past and present, dream and reality, can Alstera stop the nightmare that kills?

Sing a Graveyard Song

Can Alstera defeat the horrific Death-Walker before it takes yet another life? Or will wielding blood-magic against a blood-spelled creature force Alstera across the tenuous barrier that separates wizardry from foul sorcery? (Trigger Warning.)

Tangled Spells brings together the first dark fantasy novels of the epic Fae Mark’d Wizard.

Be warned. Morally ambiguous choices occur, foul sorcery is never completed defeated, and the protagonist Alstera struggles to avoid the taint of sorcery. On Preorder until August 18. Fetch it here:

View the video trailer here.

Coming Soon ~ Venom of Dragons, last in the Spells of Water trilogy

  Something dangerous is watching you.